Those New Greatest Hits Rumors

I don't like them, to be honest. I really don't. It seems ridiculous to me that she would do another Greatest Hits now, after only two albums released after the first Greatest Hits came out. I counted the singles that came out: eight. From Someday to Radar she has had eight singles. She has to put atleast 4 new songs (which is the half of those eight singles) to make it look like an actual album.

But even twelve songs, to me, isn't worthy of being a Greatest Hits album. Besides a Greatest Hits album should include all her older, big hits too. Like Toxic or what about Baby One More Time? Its probably clear that I'm not bumbed with the idea of a GH, now. Lets hope and pray its a stupid rumor, anyway.

If she makes the effort of recording new songs, it would be so much better to make an new album. Same for the re-release though. A re-release is usually for people who can't get enough of the album. Who really can't? I don't think there that much of people, anyway. Sure, everyone has a different opinion on things. But this is mine. New album, pls. Not soon. But I want to make sure that her next album is a brandnew studio album. Please, God(ney), let it go down like that.


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