Video Of The Week

We've all seen it, Britney wins an award and says "thanks to my gay fans", aw, no problem Britney! Wait, I'm not a gay fan. Still, I'd vote for her anyway. I love this video. I love Eve's speech too. Because its so true. Or I want to think its true because its flattering. I also love how she says "Love you all", that is so cute. Eventhough its a totally memorised and all.

I love her hair and make up. So pretty. And how cute is she holding the award? It reminds me of the way she's holding her frangances. Which by the way I got a few weeks ago from my mom. Well, I got Fantasy. I was so excited. I use it almost everyday. Ha. I'm such a fanwhore. Eiter way; I kind of love it all in this video. So thats why its video of the week. So you'll have to watch it again and again and again. Ha.


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