She has BROWN HAIR now?

haha, I can't believe this. I opened today and I saw a silly Britney having this silly walk with silly hair. She's a brunette now? I mean, back in the days when she was crazy, I mean in 2007 when she...she was promoting 'Blackout', she changed her haircolour all the time. Actually, she didn't even have to change haircolour, she just changed wigs. And sometimes they were short and pink. Remember that? Aw, good old days. I'm only kidding.

But nowadays, I'm surprised her being a brunette again. Without a ratnest in her hair. Gawd, I'm so mean today. What I ment was; with good extentions. So I guess I'm gonna have to see Britney, The BRUNETTE at the concert on 9th July. Well, I guess thats what makes us Europeans more special fans. Ha. -Hairflip-.
Oh, saw those two kiddos at the pool today? No, I'm not talking about SP & JJ. I'm talking about Britney & Jason. Yeah, they're so not just friends.

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