Ehm, Radar, Really?

First of all they should've known that in the Blackout era and second of all its now a bonustrack. Bonustracks shouldn't be freakin singles. Third of all - As a fourth single, I expected a ballad. This era NEEDS a ballad. This just represents the money hungry Jive again. I really can't believ they choose Radar. Well, I kind of can: its Jive. I'm sure the single will make the bucks. Actually, it won't.

I'm positive it won't. Okay, I'm lying; how can I know for sure it won't? But I can feel it in my smallest toe that it won't. Think about it: another meaninless chippy single? People know that its Britney Spears; the ultimate happy popsong singer, but hey, can she make any sensitive songs too? Meaningfull? Sorry but I don't like it. I mean, I like the song. But as a fourth single? Hell no. Gosh.


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