So, no Grammy's?

Apparently, she should've showed up at the pre-grammy's show, but she didn't. Shame on you, girl. Shame on you. Now everyone's getting all hyped up again, on all this Free Britney shit. OKAY. Oh my god, she didn't show up, lets blame daddy-o for it. I'm sure he locked her up in the bathroom with a knife in his hand, till the show is over. You're grounded, Britney, you ate my coockies. When Britney responds No, I didn't, I've been eating cheetos all day.

Boo, drama. Boo. I'm sure theres a reasonable... reason why she didn't show up. T.I. and Queen Latifa didn't show up either. But oh my gosh, they don't sponser T.I! They're gonna cancel the tour. No they're not.

I can't say I didn't want Britney to show up. She would've looked good, felt good and if she didn't feel good, we all know she was going to pretend to feel good, and do it so well. Circus woudn't have done miracles in the charts, but atleast you know it would've turned up two places higher. Too bad that didn't happen. So yes, that makes me question the commen sense of her and her team. What the fuck is wrong with you?

Then again, nobody's dying of it, so relax. take it eaaaaaaasyyyy, as Mika would say.


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